
Set up your Mantle RPC node



Install docker

sudo apt update
sudo apt install snapd
sudo apt-get install jq -y
snap install docker

Download configs

git clone mantlenetworks
cd mantlenetworks

Update node config

Set the following config option in docker-compose-mainnet.yml:


Set the following config option in docker-compose.yml:


Make sure to set ETH1_HTTP to your own Ethereum RPC node for security.

Set the following config option in mainnet/envs/geth.env:


Set the following config option in goerli/envs/geth.env:


Download latest snapshot

Download the latest snapshot for a quicker sync: Mainnet | Testnet

mkdir -p ./data/geth
tarball="[latest snapshot].tar"
tar vxf ${tarball} -C ./data/geth
mkdir -p ./data/geth
tarball="[latest snapshot].tar"
tar vxf ${tarball} -C ./data/geth

Start the node

docker compose -f docker-compose-mainnet.yml up -d
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

An output similar to the following will be shown:

[+] Running 6/6
 ✔ replica 5 layers [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿]      0B/0B      Pulled
   ✔ 0cdfa0c98ed7 Pull complete
   ✔ da01580fbcc6 Pull complete
[+] Running 1/1
 ✔ Container mantlenetworks-replica-1  Started

After it is done, verify by listing the services and their status

docker compose ps

You should see these 4 services running

NAME                       IMAGE                                  COMMAND             SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
mantlenetworks-replica-1   mantlenetworkio/l2geth:v0.4.2-beta.1   "sh ./"      replica             22 seconds ago      Up 21 seconds>8545-8546/tcp, :::8545-8546->8545-8546/tcp, 8547/tcp

Verify replica logs

docker compose logs replica -f
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Initialising Ethereum protocol           versions="[64 63]" network=5000 dbversion=<nil>
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | WARN [08-25|08:09:31.739] Upgrade blockchain database version      from=<nil> to=7
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Loaded most recent local header          number=0 hash=0a0eb3…fcd013 td=1 age=54y5mo4d
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Loaded most recent local full block      number=0 hash=0a0eb3…fcd013 td=1 age=54y5mo4d
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Loaded most recent local fast block      number=0 hash=0a0eb3…fcd013 td=1 age=54y5mo4d
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Regenerated local transaction journal    transactions=0 accounts=0
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Running in verifier mode                 sync-backend=l2
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:31.739] Configured rollup client                 url= chain-id=5000 ctc-deploy-height=8
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:32.884] Connected to upstream service
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|08:09:33.122] Initializing initial BVM Context         ctc-deploy-height=8

Wait for it to Initialize, it will take some time After a while you will see it syncing blocks

mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set L2 Gas Price                         gasprice=50000000
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set L1 Gas Price                         gasprice=99152775920848
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set batch overhead                       overhead=2750
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set scalar                               scalar=1
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set isBurning                            isBurning=0
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set charge                               charge=1
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set sccAddress                           sccAddress=0x89E9D387555AF0cDE22cb98833Bae40d640AD7fa
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set daSwitch                             daSwitch=1
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:26.998] Set DA Gas Price                         daGasprice=0
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.232] indexed transaction                      index=772   next=772
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.232] CheckUpgrade                             chain id=5000
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.232] New block                                index=772   l1-timestamp=1688541389 l1-blocknumber=17626077 tx-hash=0xc121ea888cc25c9af532173a15d74922d528c1f8207c4ee723c4985552910f63 queue-orign=sequencer gas=21000   fees=1.05e-06      elapsed=680.829µs
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.496] indexed transaction                      index=773   next=773
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.497] CheckUpgrade                             chain id=5000
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.497] New block                                index=773   l1-timestamp=1688541401 l1-blocknumber=17626078 tx-hash=0x826d78982f02dc17e666aa96c63caae912e5fd97c63d3723fc744fd0cf321ff7 queue-orign=sequencer gas=21000   fees=1.05e-06      elapsed=661.142µs
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.732] indexed transaction                      index=774   next=774
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.732] CheckUpgrade                             chain id=5000
mantlenetworks-replica-1  | INFO [08-25|09:06:27.732] New block                                index=774   l1-timestamp=1688541409 l1-blocknumber=17626078 tx-hash=0x6033b2b5f286100e30222e8182da1787b54a82dafa1372aa597f59c25ec57754 queue-orign=sequencer gas=21000   fees=1.05e-06      elapsed=696.63µs

Verify node sync status

RPC Endpoint

echo "$(curl -4"

Method 1:

curl -X POST [rpc] -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' | jq

If you get something like this in response to the above rpc call, your node is setup correctly

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": "0x4e4c"

You can use a hex to number convertor to get the block height

Method 2:

You can also check your status by connecting to geth console

docker exec -it mantlenetworks-replica-1 geth attach http://localhost:8545
> eth.blockNumber
1209 # it will show you the latest block - number here is just an example

You can compare the block height on your node with explorer (mainnet or testnet), use your RPC node only when it has caught up with the latest block height.

Configure vald

In order for vald to connect to your mantle node, your rpc_addr should be exposed in vald’s config.toml

name = "mantle"
rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true
name = "mantle"
rpc_addr = "http://IP:PORT"
start-with-bridge = true

Common Node Operations

First cd into the directory

cd $HOME/mantlenetworks/

To start

docker compose -f docker-compose-mainnet.yml up -d
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

To stop

docker compose down

To update

docker compose pull

To stop and wipe out everything

docker compose down -v
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